Almanac ship has developed a strategic understanding and execution of a “zero- breakdown” method of operating ships.
This is a modular service whereby if a shipowner wishes to use our selected services and our network of vendors/workshops for purchase only. Our teams arrange for supplies of spares new and reconditioned. In case of reconditioned spares, our technical team inspects the item and certifies the same in presence of an IACS class. This is then further packed into special and secure containers to be shipped to destination of choice.
We understand the trouble client has to face in case of wrong supply being delivered to the destination thus we ensure our delivery is perfect by technical supervision.
Almanac ship management llc is a management company which is setup by seafarers for the marine sector as a whole. Our procurement procedures and activities follow –
- Inventory control and procurement management
- Purchase procedures and documentation
- Computer based PMS inventory
- Contingency support from shore
In the marine spare parts business, our associate company has a very strong presence in big ship owning and ship managing companies, supplying quality spare parts at genuine rates. It also provides ship repair and other consultancy services in the marine industry. The company has 20,000 sqft warehouse facility in Mumbai and a 50,000 sqft facility in Chittagong. The spares division operates from Dubai, Mumbai and Chittagong.